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Report A Covenant Violation

WNCA Board Updated Procedures as per Indiana State Code

  • We strongly suggest that the homeowner first try to make a personal request of the homeowner not in compliance.  If that is not appropriate or does not solve the issue the following steps will be followed, as per Indiana HOA State Code.
  • Step 1 - Complaint must be submitted to the board in writing below (or email, letter or note dropped in mailbox) and it must include the name and date of person filing complaint.  It must also include a specific covenant violation and the address involved.
  • Step 2 - If the board agrees that action is required, a personal request will be made by a board member to the neighbor in violation simply stating that a complaint has been received and we would like to move toward compliance.
  • Step 3 - A formal letter in compliance with Indiana State Code will be mailed to the neighbor in violation.  This letter must include the violation, the name of complainant, the date the violation was observed and what needs to be done to resolve the issue.  The neighbor has 10 days to request a meeting with the board, an extension of the deadline or to comply.
  • Step 4 - If no response or unacceptable response, the board may file suit on behalf of the neighborhood.  (We cannot put a lien on a house for covenant issues.)
  • These complaints and violations must be held in confidence among the board.  The board cannot discuss steps and actions taken with anyone outside of the closed meetings.  Even the complainant is not entitled to any other information.